

The yearonyear rate of change in average wages was consistently lower than the inflation rate in the years from 1915 to 1918.

Supplies of imported agro-chemicals – particularly of fertilisers – were inadequate for fields often exhausted by unbroken yearonyear cultivation.

Bài viết hiện tại: year-on-year

Communities may have marked the generations by the great famines, but coping with the lesser scarcities and subsistence crises was part of the yearonyear routines.

Squares with very high activity, repeating yearonyear, ‘hotspots ‘, were found in all three boroughs, suggesting that the phenomena are widespread.

It is important to note that what appear very small yearonyear changes can cause large differences between age-groups.

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As in the crop equations, prices have no measurable effect on the yearonyear farm area change.

This would have obvious implications for yearonyear vaccine development.

The outcome was a steady yearonyear increase in the average age of the national machine and equipment park.

The number of records per square were logged and then the number of positive records for all the manholes in that square on a yearonyear basis.

Further analysis showing yearonyear increases could be provided only at disproportionate cost.

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Nearly three quarters of people of working age are in work—not just in one year but yearonyear.

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It is both unfair and unfortunate that yearonyear disappointments in financial settlements should have two effects.

The system included some subsidy for the fare-paying passenger, but there was a yearonyear increase in the number of passengers travelling on public transport.

The standard spending assessment does not take into account the yearonyear work of local authorities in protecting their coastline.

Those of us who travel regularly by air have seen yearonyear the increased number of passengers at our airports.

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Nguồn TKNDKTCS2030:
Danh mục (THONGKENHADAT): Hỏi đáp bách khoa toàn thư với Thống Kê Nhà Đất

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